Looking Through The Mulberry Leaves

Bowerbirds wander through our valley during late winter and spring, before the weather gets too dry and warm. They are quite shy.  This year a family of four bowerbirds have stayed through the summer, visiting frequently. 

(click on the 'next' button to forward through the slides).
Previous Slide 1/8 NextChecking Out The HumansA female bowerbird is quietlyA female bowerbird is quietlyobserving us..observing us..what is that black thing in front of the human eye?what is that black thing in front of the human eye?wondering if she should come out?wondering if she should come out?is now comfy enough to look around..is now comfy enough to look around..beginning to relax nowbeginning to relax now..enjoying the attention.....enjoying the attention...the hare too ventures out for a glancethe hare too ventures out for a glance

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