Australian Raven

Australian Raven

A Disappeanance of Crows

Suddenly we only seem to have one crow living in our vicinity. Until December we had something like 20 or 30.

We have had many, many crows for many, many years - as long as we have known our darling Maggie, in fact. Yet now, just as Maggie became ill, the crows have all departed for other pastures, at least for now.

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Hawk Attack

Yesterday I was about to get in the car to go to town when an all-fired ruckus broke out behind the house. Running round, we saw a massive flock of galahs and rosellas and such birds crazily swirling here and there and crying out desperately as they wheeled here and there.

Then I noticed some hawk-like birds in amongst them. It was very hard to focus on them and get a clear view of exactly what they were, but it was clearly an attack upon the flock birds.

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Listen to Conscious Animal Radio Interview

Here is the recording of Gitie's interview with Christine Agro, well-known host of Conscious Animal Radio

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Crow sitting on a post Crows are surprisingly shy birds, despite their size and loud talk.  They can make a varitey of sounds and use their limited vocabulary quite imaginatively. 

Crows are interested and friendly and always show their gratitude. They are very intuitive birds and are quick at understanding one's words and intentions.

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