
Cloudy Skies Make Greener Grass

The birds and wildlife have had a wonderful summer this year, inf act the best in over a decade.  New wildgrasses have sprung up covering the hillsides due to the extended rains and are providing plenty of food and shelter this season in contrast to years of dry, burnt summers.   Check out the pics below to see what they have been doing.

(click on the 'next' button to forward through the slides).

Previous Slide 1/36 NextWillie and Nellie learning to sing against the cloudy skiesWillie and Nellie learning to sing against the cloudy skiesLush green grasses fill the paddocksLush green grasses fill the paddocksThe eagles are a hunting up aboveThe eagles are a hunting up abovewhile Rainbow lorikeets are sortingwhile Rainbow lorikeets are sortingout territorial boundaries belowout territorial boundaries belowThe babblers have moved inThe babblers have moved inhaving negotiated their rightshaving negotiated their rightsThe wallabies are enjoying the rich pickingsThe wallabies are enjoying the rich pickingsalong with Bertie Vicky Mindy and Kennyalong with Bertie Vicky Mindy and KennyBilly's family is happy tooBilly's family is happy tooLarry and Harrie are singing to gloryLarry and Harrie are singing to gloryThe Crested pigeons are thrilled to bootsThe Crested pigeons are thrilled to bootsMaggie's son Monty has found new friendsMaggie's son Monty has found new friendsKenny wants to get up close and personalKenny wants to get up close and personalGabriel Tuks joined the bat creche and returned to the colonyGabriel Tuks joined the bat creche and returned to the colonyCharlie Girl is fully recovered and adores PeteCharlie Girl is fully recovered and adores PeteJack is much happier now he can fly furtherJack is much happier now he can fly furtherWallabies relax in the shade at the Long Grass Wildlife RefugeWallabies relax in the shade at the Long Grass Wildlife RefugeJack adores GabiJack adores GabiWild grasses spring up along the roadsideWild grasses spring up along the roadsidethe whole valley is green - for a few weeks at leastthe whole valley is green - for a few weeks at leastOne eyed Curly the currawongOne eyed Curly the currawongis looking healthy and wellis looking healthy and wellGumnuts are a plentifulGumnuts are a plentifulButterflies delightButterflies delightBilly's brood is growing upBilly's brood is growing upFrieda is all black and white but still as friendly as everFrieda is all black and white but still as friendly as everNoisy miner is planning another clutchNoisy miner is planning another clutch2 eggs in here2 eggs in herewhile the nest is being fortifiedwhile the nest is being fortifiedwild grasses aboundwild grasses aboundfilling the bushy landscapefilling the bushy landscapeto the joy of the birds and animalsto the joy of the birds and animalsThe galahs are keen to show their nestThe galahs are keen to show their nestand pose for the cameraand pose for the cameraThe peewee too wants to be seenThe peewee too wants to be seen

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Wind turbines make bat lungs explode

Sorry to be posting a 'downer', but I think everyone needs to be aware of the horrible consequences of installing wind turbines. These machines look peaceful, but they are terrible killers.

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